Fun Ideas for Easy Wedding Reception Food

 The best part about having your dream wedding is having the chance to experience it together. Many couples are now choosing to get married on their own time and budget. There are so many options when it comes to choosing the perfect venue, ceremony and reception in New York City.

1. Give Away Free Entrances at Wishes Across America

Wishes Across America (WAA) is one of the oldest organizations in the world, with over 1 billion members worldwide. In order to keep its high level of customer service, their “All I Can Do Is Say!” . They offer several different benefits so everyone can enjoy every aspect of their marriage. One of the perks is giving away free entrance tickets to all their event spaces. Not only does this give new marriages something to look forward to on their anniversary day, but also allows you two to reminisce about your life together. Since they’ve been around since 1848, they have helped people from all walks of life find love. Another perk is that guests receive complimentary dessert and appetizers while being treated to their favorite drink.

Get started by visiting:, like helping other new households by simply sharing a story or getting involved in one. Everyone has something to do, which is why WAA wants to make sure everybody gets in on the action. Whether you want to celebrate as newlyweds, invite friends and family to come together again after a long separation or help someone celebrate their milestone anniversary, there really isn’t any excuse not to enjoy your wedding as planned. After all, it’s the highlight of your lives!

2. Host a Party Where All Members Donate Money Ahead of Time

The Biggest Loser might be the poster child for happy marriages, but many divorces actually use those same practices as they start out. A simple party is all it takes for them to meet their next potential partner. It’s pretty common for young people to spend money frivolously if they’re lucky enough to be courted. That means throwing money down because they feel like they have nothing else to lose. Luckily, a lot of wealthy families host lavish parties where everyone brings whatever they can afford and gives anything they can to ensure everyone has a good time. This way no cash goes unaccounted for and everyone spends as much as possible on their wedding. When all is said and done, everyone knows exactly how much each person in attendance spent. It’s a great option if one spouse has trouble spending without going overboard.

It has to be at least $25,000 per couple, or you risk losing all parties’ money and finding yourself paying off debts in divorce court. Once you decide to take matters into your own hands, try hosting a big family dinner using a single plate set. Or go ahead and plan an entire holiday celebration centered around your loved ones.

3. Offer To Bring Lunch and Drinks to Other Marriages

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This is one classic idea that works for both sides very well. You invite new couples to your home as you settle in, and you also invite old people to share lunch and drinks. Even though you may have had plenty of time to put out a spread of tasty delights for your spouses, don’t assume that they haven’t tried your delicious treats. With a generous gesture, this will never seem forced. Plus, who doesn’t like receiving gifts?

Offering to bring lunches and cocktails to other couples shows kindness, makes you happy in return and provides new opportunities to build relationships with other couples. Think outside the box here and think carefully about whether you can afford to host such events. Some may be able to spare the expense while others may not have room for everyone. Be flexible with the gift, but always make sure that everyone gets something extra as payment for making the effort. Making your friends jealous will lead to more invitations to events like these in the future. Remember that most people just want someone who will treat them fairly. Treat them right, and they will reciprocate it back.

4. Use Facebook Marketplace to Find Deals From Local Restaurants and Retailers

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If you want to save some money, consider using Facebook Marketplace instead of heading straight to local stores. Many restaurants and retailers are willing to negotiate prices with prospective customers, especially if someone uses word-of-mouth referrals. While this isn’t necessarily true at major restaurants and retail stores, it should still be a consideration for places that aren’t widely known. Most social media companies allow users to post requests for specific items or services. Then advertisers and merchants respond. As soon as a sale is made, the company sends the advertised item to the user. By avoiding buying things directly, users save money on unwanted ads and can choose what they like over what they don’t. Just remember to double check before clicking that link or responding. Sometimes sites like eBay often require sellers to supply pictures of something or even mention a price. These are only the exceptions though, so many buyers tend to ignore requests out of respect as well.

5. Take Calls Directly to Salesmen During Periods When People Are Shopping Spree

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In times when there’s a real demand for a particular product, don’t hesitate to ask salespeople directly about discounts. Instead of waiting until a certain price point is reached before making a purchase, be the first to jump in line to grab a bargain. And, as a bonus, this strategy will help keep your wallet safe as you shop. Often, store owners are already aware of upcoming discounted deals. However, don’t miss out on discount packages of everything you need if you’re ready to buy.

6. Ask People Who Have Purchased Before You About Offers On Special Occasions

If you’re interested in buying items like toys, clothing, makeup or shoes, then approach a few of your existing purchasing companions if you know of any good deals. Keep in mind that these purchases are sometimes seasonal, so don’t forget to search online to see what current discounts might be available. Also, be careful to avoid asking for products that the seller hasn’t already received, as this could lead to disappointment and costly returns. Always read the fine print of a contract. Make sure you understand before agreeing to a deal. Never buy something just for resale.

7. Get Involved in Charity Events

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One way to show your support is to participate in charity events. Check out websites like to learn about various causes and charitable organizations near you. Alternatively, you can contact your church or community group on Facebook or Instagram to join as hosts of events. Depending on your region, chances are you can find a list that includes charities near you. If you live near another city with a large number of churches or non-profit groups, you can visit their page to find out about their regular donations. Consider joining your local Catholic Charities Committee or Presbyterian Church Services Association on Facebook to see if there’s a group near you where you can talk to volunteers to help make your area an even better place. Remember that charities typically fund events like concerts, fundraisers and other activities. So, get in touch with your favorite charity to let them know you would like to support them.

While we’re always encouraged to focus on ourselves rather than worrying about other people too much, we did end up doing this with our children (on purpose). We were surprised at how much they enjoyed taking part. Sure it was a bit annoying occasionally, but ultimately, it was just a learning experience and allowed us to bond as adults while having fun together. Now that we’re grownups and adults, we can use these activities as great tools to encourage our kids to want to make other people happy. No matter how busy you are, it’s important to remember that everyone deserves moments like this special day. Plan out your days with thoughtfulness for all the little details to make each moment special. When you do, people will cherish knowing you’re thinking about them.

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