Easy-to-Make Detox Drinks to Cleanse Your Most Vital Organs

In this scenario, it is common for people to drink things like water-based detox drinks that are made by various health care professionals or make their own at home to get rid off toxins. This includes herbal juice or mineral-based tea. One thing you may not know is that these beverages also contain beneficial ingredients like Vitamin C and E. You can add them to your daily diet as well as any other supplement to ensure healthy digestion (1).

What Is Commonly Called ‘Detox Beverages’?

                                                                                                Image by Silvia from Pixabay 

It must come as no surprise that there is an abundance of options when it comes to what you can call “detox drinks,” but they all have one common factor – they all look pretty similar. They also have varying amounts of antioxidants that are thought to help fight inflammation, boost immunity, stimulate brain activity or even ease symptoms of chronic diseases. Some might go so far as to name it an entirely new form of treatment for cancer. But I beg of you, these beverages don’t do anything if you aren’t careful about how much you use and how often. The best way to ensure total cleanse is to keep using these products in moderation and only drink them twice a day – once in the morning before breakfast for optimal detoxification, and again around dinner time after meals. These drinks should be used sparingly as they can dehydrate you quickly and lead to stomach cramps and diarrhea. After drinking these beverages, avoid foods high in sugar and fructose such as fruit juices and pastries, fruits, vegetables and breads. Drinking lots of fluids keeps you hydrated while minimizing food cravings since carbs are digested fast. If possible, try avoiding dairy products even though they are quite nutritious even if you take into consideration lactose intolerance. Make sure you stay away from caffeinated teas as well since caffeine causes indigestion and stimulates liver enzymes that break down fat cells, thus increasing weight gain (2).

How Do Detox Brains Work?

                                                                                                   Image by Silvia from Pixabay 

As a matter of fact, the idea for creating a detox brain starts at birth. During prenatal development, we learn first from our mothers that certain chemicals are dangerous, like carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide, and are toxic to us. As soon as our bodies begin to function, our brains are wired to react to those chemical messes by producing an enzyme called glutamic acid decarboxylase that converts them into less toxic forms such as acetaldehyde. These tiny molecular devices absorb most of the toxins in the environment, which leads to increased blood flow to the organs where the toxicity is mostly being stored for later. When it gets out of control, many organs start shutting down until the entire system collapses. It turns out that this reaction actually helps stabilize blood pressure and reduces cholesterol levels and triglycerides. Unfortunately, the more we stay sick, the harder it becomes to reset the balance with each passing day. So, how can you go back to normal? For instance, a study suggests that eating the right foods early in life – especially at a young age (3) – could prevent future illnesses. So the question becomes… how do you eliminate toxins from our brains without getting sick? Well, you simply increase its production of glutamate decarboxylase, thereby stimulating that same enzyme in every single cell of the body and allowing you to flush the unwanted waste out of the body right away (4, 5).

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