What Eating Healthy Does for your Body

It is a genuine concern that many people today fall short of the recommended daily nutrient intake. The primary reason is that most people don’t know what constitutes healthy eating. In the U.S, for example, most dietary requirements for fruits and vegetables are way beyond the norm. This is an urgent issue because more than 70 percent of Americans are overweight and have obesity. While it is true that people should get their share or 5-8 servings per day of vitamins A, B12, C, D, E, K and iron, the truth is that we often fail to meet this standard. There are several reasons why we need to do better.

Healthy Diet vs. Junk Food

                                                                                        Image by Devon Breen from Pixabay 

The first thing you must understand when looking at junk food versus healthy foods is that everything has its place. People can choose items such as burgers, fried chicken, pizzas, soft drinks and cakes. However, there are certain things you need in large quantities. These include meat (including raw, cooked, pastured and wild), dairy products, cereal and processed foods such as juice (sweetened or not) and soft drink (soda or malt beverage) and alcohol. All of these are unhealthy, especially if you consume them in excess. Additionally, your body needs some amounts of vitamins and minerals. You should also consider whether the food is grown organically or commercially and whether the whole or a part of the food is organic.

Eating Healthy Tips

                                                                            Image by -Rita-👩‍🍳 und 📷 mit ❤ from Pixabay 

The important thing is to eat a well-balanced diet. To achieve this, you must understand that eating healthy means eating fresh, quality food. That will give you the right mix of essential nutrients and fiber. Foods that are mostly unprocessed contain almost all essential nutrients. They also contain antioxidants and other nutrients that help protect against disease. Here are some tips to make sure you eat healthfully. Check with your doctor before consuming any new foods. You may have specific conditions that require careful consideration. Ask your physician about supplements to avoid. As mentioned above, too much consumption of junk food can lead to weight gain and diabetes. So you have two choices – make a conscious effort to eat healthy and eliminate junk, which can be difficult on your own. Or you can follow one or both of the methods outlined below. If you want to reduce the number of calories consumed and calories that go to waste, here are suggestions to get you started: Choose low-fat versions of highly processed and packaged foods that are inexpensive. Choose lower carb varieties. Lower your portion sizes – less food equals fewer calories for you. Be aware of portions: Do you really get the nutrition you need? Many times, we tend to eat in large numbers without realizing just how little we are actually consuming. We tend to take in more calories than we realize because of this tendency. Remember, you only need enough calories to fuel the basic functions of your vital organs. This includes breathing and digesting food so you feel alive. Cut back on beverages that contain high-sugar content. Too many sodas increase blood sugar levels and lead to increased heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Limit sugary snacks. Sugary snacks like cookies and candies make you likely to overeat. Sugar in fruit juices (especially orange juice), pasta sauces and sweet potato purees increases the risk of developing osteoporosis. Snack properly and enjoy those tasty treats sparingly. Avoid diets that promote excessive calorie restriction. Always check labels and ingredients to determine a “safe” calorie limit. Stick to a regular and balanced diet, but enjoy your favorite snacks occasionally. Add veggies to salads. Replace fatty meats with leaner proteins. Get plenty of calcium from dairy products and other non-dairy sources like legumes, tofu and seafood. Eat dark green leafy vegetables regularly. Dark green vegetables tend to have fewer calories than white ones. Lean skinned fish contains omega-3 fatty acids that protect against heart disease and other chronic diseases. Limit saturated fat and trans fats too, but try your best to reduce these in your diet. Finally, get your vitamin B12, which will help you absorb calcium more easily. If you experience symptoms of deficiency after going a few days without taking supplements, consult with a healthcare provider immediately. Keep reading to find out more about how much you should be eating each day.

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