Sweeteners in chocolate – the highs and lows


 1/ The high of sugar can be compared with a cake that’s made without frosting or sugar. It tastes like you bought it at a market sale. Or when you’re feeling tired from a long day, take your coffee instead of having instant coffee. But the same thing can happen with your chocolate cake made with no sugary ingredients. I say this because they’re both delicious but have two completely different effects on our health.

                                                                                     Image by Дарья Яковлева from Pixabay 

2/ A ‘good’ dessert can be enjoyed everyone, but people who like sweet desserts are more likely to reach their limits (like me). What is the optimum level for one person may not be so great for another. So what is best? As a child, my mother used to tell me if she was playing around with her sister, she would cut off her braid to prevent being tempted to eat. My grandmother told us the opposite way round. She said we should always give ourselves some time to think before we start eating. Because once we start eating the food, we know that it won’t taste great and we have to stop. For instance, she made potato chips at home and was careful to never touch them until we were able to finish them as soon as possible. By now I knew she had done all the thinking before starting to eat them. If I make a similar dish later on in life, I’ll try to stay away and try to resist temptation. That is a conscious choice and will only happen if you don’t want to. Your goal should always be to enjoy your food and not force yourself to be healthy.

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3/ Another problem for adults are those overindulging themselves too much like children. When children have a cookie after a good meal, they like even though they feel guilty, rather than thinking about whether it has been good or bad. Adults want things just the same, so they often reach their limit like children and then start wanting more without knowing what they can do to get their point across. Therefore it is essential to plan out your meals and stick to a regular routine, otherwise you might be buying more than the right amount of cookies! There are so many different kinds of desserts and there are many different ways of serving them. We shouldn’t try to please anyone. Don’t force yourself to get anything when you’re not hungry or feel like you simply can’t have any more. You need to stop if you’re really craving something. Also, if you go over your limit, don’t get into trouble. Always remember, a little bit each time isn’t going to hurt very bad, so stop whenever you need to. Let go and enjoy your treat without worrying about getting a full belly.

                                                                                         Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay 

4/ Many sweets are not natural. They are chemically synthesized, which means only certain ingredients are found in their composition. Therefore these products can cause damage to your body. Such as artificial corn flour that's added to cakes. This ingredient helps to provide a crusty texture to the cakes. However, its high content will lead to obesity and can increase your risk of heart disease. And by adding artificial fat in the form of vegetable oil, butter, palm oil can cause serious health issues such as diabetes, heart problems, brain problems and cancer. These products cause harm to the digestive system, liver, pancreas and kidneys. Not only does it affect your health but also your taste buds. You have taste buds inside your mouth that are connected to the roof of your throat and when they taste sweetness and milk they send signals towards the rest of your senses. Your palate is the strongest part of your sense that can tell the difference between real food and fake food. This can be very dangerous. Sugar and refined sugar can affect your brain function. When these substances are consumed together, their effect can be devastating. Some studies have shown that consuming too much sugar leads to hyperactive ADHD, depression and anxiety and poor immune reaction when exposed to bacteria.

                                                                                        Image by Jan Mateboer from Pixabay

5/Suger also promotes weight gain. In addition, consumption of sugars, especially sugar, is linked to obesity. Excess sugar will raise blood pressure, decrease insulin sensitivity, promote fat accumulation in the body.An example of this is when someone doesn’t take in enough glucose they end up with low blood sugar. Insulin resistance can then lead to Type 2 Diabetes and other conditions due to unhealthy diet and exercise. Now, sugar does nothing to make you overweight other than making your blood sugar high. No wonder junk foods are commonly available in every supermarket. If someone can’t make the most of their calories, no one will. After all, you need sugar to satisfy your hunger and these cheap sweets will fill that void to keep you satisfied. If you want to lose weight then you need to reduce your sugar intake. Only a few people will ever feel healthy and happy, so if you have a bad habit of consuming sugar then cut the stuff out of your diet. And you need to avoid junk foods. At least a few minutes of exercising will help to burn off energy and improve your overall fitness levels. But doing nothing about the sugar intake is quite pointless. How far can you run when you have plenty of sugar waiting for you to drink? Keep in mind, not everybody with excess sugar doesn’t want to lose weight at all, so in fact, it might even be beneficial to them if they’re not aiming at losing weight. Just know that excess sugar is not good for anything, even if it gives you extra happiness. You can’t grow anything. This includes a better job for your savings if you’re diabetic or suffering from hypertension. Try to look for healthier options. Foods like fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds are your best friend. Especially these ones with the lowest amount of sugar. Even if you are diabetic or suffer from hypertension avoid them as much as possible. Be careful with excessive amounts of sugar and watch out for potential side effects. The most common reactions of people to drinking too much sugar include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and allergic reactions like wheezing. It sounds harsh, but sugar is addictive. If you look for something less sugar, then you want to steer clear of them. Don’t be tricked by the hype. Stick to smaller portions and it only takes 30 seconds and your stomach will thank you. Once the sugar gets inside your bloodstream, it becomes hard. It then has negative effects on mental health. Since sugar stimulates dopamine production, it makes you feel like you’re worth less, feel depressed, confused, and angry. Also, the reward systems in your brain can become dysfunctional and contribute to addiction.

                                                                              Image by S. Hermann / F. Richter from Pixabay 

6/ A lot of sugar is also linked to obesity. Obesity comes with a whole host of consequences such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Due to diabetes, your glucose levels are continually increasing and they’ll eventually fall below the normal range and cause type 2 diabetes. Moreover, the fat is stored by your abdominal area. People who are suffering from obesity will experience symptoms like bloating, constipation and fatigue. All of these can cause sleep disorders, back pain, headaches, chestaches, blurred vision, increased appetite and difficulty concentrating. Also obesity can be a leading cause of death. According to research done by American Cancer Society, obese patients are 5 times more likely to die than that of their non-obese counterparts. Furthermore, obesity increases your chances of developing a smoking age, increased stress and increased probability of heart disease, stroke and kidney failure. So if we’re trying to reduce the number of people dying by half a million, then we need to deal with this. You have to find healthier foods and eat less sugar! Yes, it’s true, sugar is toxic, and you might end up eating more, but it’s worth it. With low sugar levels, you get more serotonin and fewer cravings. On top of all of the other consequences, obesity can cause severe medical conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and heart disease. To reduce your risk of dying, we must stay healthy, which means eating fresh, whole and minimally processed veggies and fruits. Eat enough protein in the form of tofu and chicken strips, and avoid fried meats and burgers. Healthy snacks with sugar in them are the worst enemy of your health, and so if you’re worried about your future health, try to consume them in moderation. Do your best to control their intake and try to add low sugar items to your shopping list, unless you can’t bear the thought of eating the yummy treats. Remember that the key to fighting obesity is the knowledge of what you eat. Eating nutritious and unprocessed foods can be very helpful for controlling the amount of sugar you’re putting in your body. Make sure you’re staying active and watch out for signs of cancer like blood tests to monitor the glucose levels in the blood. Weight loss could mean several things. Either through lifestyle changes or medication that can be effective to induce changes in blood pressure, insulin sensitivity and body composition after weight loss. There are few different ways of losing weight and most of them involve decreasing the amounts of sugar that you’re eating. A change in lifestyle will help you lose weight while exercising and making positive dietary changes.

                                                                                 Image by Joanna Kozniska Kudera from Pixabay

7/ Finally, let’s try to reduce and manage our intake of sugar. Most people believe they have a free choice but in reality there are laws against freedom of choice. Maybe you might like to eat what you like but you

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